Mid-Year Self-Reflection Check-In

Can you believe we're about halfway through 2023?

If you’re anything like us, this year has flown by. New business ventures (we’re looking at you, Salty Beverages), school and after-school activities, family life, community things… and before you know it, it’s Mother’s Day?!

It’s those times when time seems to be moving extra quickly that we like to be intentional about slowing down, turning inward, and taking purposeful moments to check in.

Mid-Year Self-Reflection Check-In

As it’s about the middle of the year, now is a great time to step back and reflect on what is working in our lives and what is not. 

We’ve pulled together just a few questions to get you started... 

... how are we feeling physically, mentally and emotionally?

... are we proud of what we are creating with our lives? 

... what family of origin patterns and dynamics are we ready to let go of? ... are we living up to our most full potential? 

... if the world saw who we really are, would we be okay with that? 

No need to stop here. What thoughts come up after these questions?

Ready to change what the next six months looks like?

Personal growth can take two forms when working with a professional. 

The first is therapy. Therapy tends to be an in depth exploration and discovery of present, past and future. A great deal of time may be focused on feelings, behaviors, and underlying cognitions and thought patterns that are helping maintain maladaptive ways of being in the world. Sometimes we need to look hard in the mirror or at others. Sometimes we need to grieve. 

The second is coaching. Coaching tends to take a more present and future-oriented approach to behaviors and ways of being. Coaching asks about goals and takes an active approach toward reaching those goals, step by step, while pausing to examine any deeper rooted thoughts and patterns which may be holding you back. Sometimes we need a reality check. Sometimes we need another brain to brainstorm with. 

If you're ready to change the course for the rest of 2023, send us a text to 404-429-2505 to get started! 

We are so proud to offer Therapy and Life Coaching to support you through all your goals and life changes! Learn more about How We Help here.

Questions? Ready to Get Started? Get In Touch!


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