MEET Rob and Katie
HI, We’re Rob and Katie Truax!
Wondering about who we are?
What gives us the credibility to be able to help you with your biggest problems, your deepest darkest secrets and your most longed for dreams?
How did we get where we are now, helping people all over the country transform their lives, live their best lives, and thrive in business and beyond?
Why should you trust us with your time, your money, your health, and future?
We grew up ten years apart (guess who’s older?!), in different parts of the country, and in very different settings. Rob spent his time roaming free among the farmland and mountains of upstate New York, while Katie grew up in the suburbs of an old city in North Carolina.
We both spent a lot of time alone as kids, and by the age of nine, we had each started our own small businesses! Katie made greeting cards to order for her neighbors (Katie’s Cards Inc.) and started regular babysitting jobs shortly thereafter; Rob started a landscaping business mowing lawns and stacking woods for the other folks living in his small town.
As we got older, we both did well in school and pursued (A LOT of) higher education. Our paths were pretty windy and long. Rob started out in electrical instrumentation and controls, but boredom and the recovery from a car accident in his early twenties drove him south to pursue a Doctorate in Chiropractic.
Katie continued down the artistic path, and attended art school until a confluence of events— including the tragedies of September 11th and an intro to psych class— lit a fire within to practice with people, not paper, as a life’s work.
We each married young, for admirable, but wrong reasons. Around that same time, we met at church, and connected as part of a big group of peers in the Atlanta suburb where we lived. When each of our marriages dissolved years later. . .we started dating . . . on the rebound. Yikes!
THAT WAS 2006.
Now, many years later, we are HAPPILY married. Entrepreneurs to the core, we went into business together as soon as the wedding was over. At the time, Rob had bought, grown, and sold a chiropractic business on the outskirts of Atlanta, and was ready to do it again. Katie had worked for a non-profit for several years as a therapist, and was itching to go out on her own. With a passion to combine our skillsets and support our clients and patients mind, body, and spirit, we built an integrative wellness center in the heart of Buckhead, Atlanta. Despite opening in a recessive economy, through hustle, grit and high quality services, we were able to grow that business to have an outstanding reputation with a size of 14 clinicians and sell it for a sizeable profit in just 5 ½ years.
Ya’ll, we are the VERY proud parents of a feisty redhead daughter, Ellie, a mellow son, Ethan, as well as a golden retriever, Piper, and a tuxedo cat, Marley. We live here, in our version of paradise— a small town along the emerald waters and white sands of Florida’s gulf coast where we get to put up Christmas lights in our t-shirts (well, let’s be real. . . Rob’s the one putting the lights, up. Katie’s just telling him where they go), throw our dreams into the ocean, and count the stars at night. For fun, we like to paddle board, run or walk on the beach, dance, do crazy yoga, spend time with friends, and soak up the sunshine.
We keep a little tiny bungalow here along the Gulf, where we continue to work with clients and patients in person on a small scale, and the rest of our work is done online with folks all over the country who want to improve their health, have amazing amounts of authentic energy, vitality and focus, sleep through the night, enjoy being at their optimal weight, have amazing vibrant relationships, and live their absolute BEST lives.
As service providers and healing professionals, we have been working with clients and patients in person for many years. We opened our first integrative wellness center, Rob + Katie Truax, together in 2011, in Atlanta, GA.
Prior to that, Rob had a solo practice and Katie worked for a non-profit family counseling center. TRU was a collaborative endeavor born out of many late night conversations about the powerful work we each were providing for our clients and patients. . . as well as the limitations of our solo work.
We understood pretty clearly that people were complex beings, unions of mind, body, and spirit. We saw how powerfully the mind and emotion could affect physical health, as well as how mental and emotional symptoms often had their root causes in physical imbalances, rather than unhelpful thought patterns or challenging circumstances. So therefore we knew that each of us could only at best provide incomplete healing for clients on our own, but that TOGETHER. . . wow. We could change lives.
We’ve worked with many patients since then, and have helped countless people gain new understanding of their bodies and their minds, create comprehensive and effective plans for healing on all levels, and begin to thrive, moving toward living their best lives.
In December of 2015, we left Atlanta to move our family to the Gulf Coast of Florida, and live our own best lives. The following October of 2016, we sold Rob + Katie Truax to a new owner. Earlier that year, in May 2016, we opened a tiny office here along the Gulf, only 2 blocks from the beach. Our practice here is mostly word of mouth, appealing to locals who like to come get adjusted or seen for functional wellness/holistic health care by the “flip flop doc” as Rob is sometimes called, or come to therapy/counseling in a private, discrete setting.
In 2013, we added online and telephone services to the repertoire of ways we were able to help our clients. This allows us to work effectively with folks all over the world, at times that work with their schedules.
Not only do we provide functional wellness and holistic healthcare, as well as health coaching, healthy eating consultation, and BEST LIFE coaching one on one to our global clients, we have also created a really amazing 8 week bootcamp that we call GET SUPERHUMAN, through which our clients get to work with BOTH of us in a GROUP setting to fast track their progress- mind, body and spirit.
If you are interested in learning more about our services for folks all over the country and the world, click here.
"We have helped countless men, women, children, families, and couples overcome their own pain and challenges, turn their mental, physical, and relationship health around, and start to thrive."
— Rob and Katie Truax