14 Reasons To Book A Massage Today
The benefits of massage therapy go far beyond relaxation.
While we’re used to seeing massages associated with high-end spas and ‘getting away,’ the benefits of massage therapy are more health-focused than they ever were aesthetic or luxurious.
Massage is a far-reaching term that covers pressing, rubbing and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Techniques can range from gentle to deep pressure.
Physical Benefits of Massage
Improved circulation
Decreased muscle stiffness
Decreased joint inflammation
Better quality of sleep
Quicker recovery between workouts
Improved flexibility
Less pain and soreness
Strengthened immune response
Mental Benefits of Massage
Lower stress levels
Improved relaxation
Improved mood
Decreased anxiety
More energy
Increase feeling of wellness
Ailments Improved By Massage
Digestive disorders
Nerve pain
Postoperative care
Scar tissue
Soft tissue strains and injuries
Sports injuries
Temporomandibular (TMJ) disorders
Our functional wellness practice has massage therapists ready to help you feel your best.
At Rob + Katie Truax, we are proud to offer massage therapy alongside other functional medicine services like chiropractic adjustments, mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, clinical supplementation, and more to help our patients live long and healthy lives. Our massage therapists are trained in a variety of modalities and available for appointments on-site at our Santa Rosa Beach facility.